I like how descriptive Anne Rice is when she wrote this. She had the boy describe the vampire pulling the curtains back. I, myself was wanting to read more, unable to stop because I could see it clearly in my head. The writer uses such descriptions and similes I feel immersed in the story.
While I was reading this story I noticed that there were a lot of similes and metaphors. I thought they contributed nicely with the story
I think that the relationship between the vampire and the boy is unique and interesting. The boy throughout the story is recording what the vampire says on a tape recording, to document what the vampire says in the interview. The vampire in the story really goes in depth with the
people in its life starting with it's brother and his death and the relationships the vampire had.
In the story the vampire tells the boy with the tape recorder a lot about death. The vampire has seemed to have dealt with this alot in his life. This book is an interesting story because we see what being a vampire is like from a vampires perspective and not from a scared, screaming teenage girl. I enjoyed this story, the way it was written couldn't have been any better for its style and type.
It's interesting that you focus on the way the story is formatted, by the vampire telling his story to the boy and having it tape recorded. I haven't really thought about how that impacts the actual story itself, given that the main character is basically telling his love life and deepest secrets to a boy he just met.